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Jorge Pina Association

The Jorge Pina Association promotes a set of structured and planned initiatives that aim to disseminate and promote the experience of ethical values ​​inherent to sports practice. Sports practice must contribute to physical and psychological well-being, but also to promote communication and social integration. We believe that sports and cultural activities are metaphors for a full, healthy and positive life, and are vehicles for self-awareness, human and social growth, and for the civic responsibility of individuals.

The Jorge Pina Association is a non-profit association that works mainly with children and young people with special educational needs or from neighborhoods considered at risk. We have projects in adapted sport, namely in Adapted Athletics and Goalball but also in the practice of inclusive / educational Boxing, in several schools.

We believe in sports potential, in building personal confidence, determination, autonomy and motivation in children and young people. The sense of responsibility, equity, organization and discipline that comes from sport are excellent weapons for the personal and interpersonal development of these children and young people, and that is why we are an association that promotes sport as an equal value.

Taking into account the great sporting curriculum of the athlete Jorge Pina, who on the 17th of January was once again distinguished with the "Ethics in sport" award at the 22nd Gala do Esporte at Casino Estoril, we also highlight the merit of his work in promoting ethics as ambassador for PNED. Jorge Pina is an example of persistence, humility and integrity, and shows in his way of being in life, a contagious joy and good mood. These characteristics were also recently recognized (October 2017) in Marseille, within the framework of the European Sport Week, through the European Union awarding the "Local Hero" Prize.

We are a family owned and operated business.

If you want to know more, click here .


(+351) 217 ​​818 890


AEFML - Students Union of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon


Santa Maria Hospital - Floor 01 Av. Professor Egas Moniz 1649-028 Lisbon



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